Thursday, March 5, 2009

Topic 2 :: Truth in the Internet

Well, another blog assignment for the week.
I somehow enjoy doing this in a way. Maybe because of the fact that i enjoy blogging in general. Or maybe simply the urge to type irrelevant and relevant things.

So, for this week, we are to discuss on this topic(i'll upload the comic strip soon):

Do you often take what is on the Internet as truth without thinking much about it? If yes, why? If no, why? Discuss this in your own words.

Let's take a moment to ponder about the Internet for awhile.
I mean, let's face it. Without internet, us young adults(i have the urge to call teenagers) would prolly suffocate and die from technology desperation, of course, not literally.

There's pros and cons to the Internet as truth.
If i were to answer yes, the main reason to this would be, due to the Internet being absolutely worldwide and accessible from any parts of the world since it's being used by practically everyone, it's sort of impossible to say that the source or information given on a certain site would be illegitimate. There's a possible chance that the information taken from a certain site to be absolutely true depending on which site you're getting from and wether the article is genuine.
In another case, since people are more likely to surf on the internet rather than read newspapers sometimes or even books, there should be real information on the internet written by those who really do want the truth to be told.

If I were to say no, this would be because the internet is a wide place filled with many types of people. Even in the real world society, people still lie and spread rumors or even speak of irrelevant information so i suppose if it exists in the real world, it should exist in the internet world too. You can't believe the things in the internet due to the fact that it's done in digital and individuals can just put up altered images and videos then claim that it is the truth. It's easily done, as easy as lying to someone about something trivial. At the same time, the information on the internet might just as well scam you with oh-so-many hazardous things and information so you just gotta be cautious when it comes to the internet.
Seriously, come on, people can even go all "I'm an 18 year old girl who likes apple pie and chocolate" but in pure truth, said person is actually a 79 year old guy who enjoys stuffing pizza into his mouth while reading porn. Or easier said, the comic strip says it all(not entirely all, in a way). You see? There's a possibility there.
If the real world is filled with lies and scams and such, then i don't see how it is not possible in the internet world too.

In conclusion to that,
I'd say that there's pros and cons. To the internet. Again.
The best thing here is to just analyze what you're reading and find out where it's from.
I would agree with saying no because usually you'd think first before you believe something or taking it seriously. So i would pick no. Because i am not easily fooled(but am still easily fooled sometimes, i admit lol).

As for class this week,
Honestly, i wasn't in class. Because i overslept and woke up at exactly 9am and it takes 30 minutes to get ready and another 30 minutes to drive myself to class.
I have the urge to punch myself in the face for missing class. Seriously.
So i can't exactly give out my personal reflection for the class this week, in which i dread, very very much.

Maybe Internet will help me overcome my oversleeping problems. Or maybe i just need sleep.

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