Sunday, March 22, 2009

Topic 4 :: Media Literacy

Well well well, here i am, once again, up for another go at the media culture blog.

And for this week, it will be something along the lines of media literacy.

You know, it's the start of the mid-trimester break and all i want to do is hibernate like a bear. In a cave. Maybe stuff myself with popcorn and all things good. Like cake.

Maybe after i'm done with assignments or so, yeah?

Let's see...:

What is Media Literacy and why is it important for you as FCM students to have it?

Media Literacy,

As far as i'm concerned media literacy is a form of knowledge someone holds in their understanding of the media around them. I mean, if you're surrounded by various media all around, it's kind of unacceptable for you to NOT understand a tiny bit of what is being presented to you all day long.

Media literacy is when a person understands and is able to interpret what is the media trying to present or portray to the audience regardless of whether it's a negative, positive or neutral presentation. To know the meaning behind it and why they are doing it and what is the motive to all of the media that is presented to you and the society around you.

Therefore, it is important for us FCM students to achieve this literacy in media due to the basic common sense that we are working with media itself so it's kind of ridiculous if you're saying that it's not important to have understanding in the media department.
We need literacy in media to help us create media that will deliver our message to our audience successfully so that we can tell our audience what we're trying to say, what we're trying to deliver, what we're trying to present in the context of media so that the audience will able to interpret and understand perfectly fine without being lost in the media itself.
Due to that, media literacy helps us to define media and work easily with media to present the media to various types of people and be understood by them.
And maybe influence them to a higher level and gain control over their minds.
Something along those lines, probably?
Or maybe i'm just too over-the-top with that one.

As for class this week,
Not bad. I found it very interesting, the deal with the representation of media and the whole stereotype thing. There's so many things to talk about when it comes to stereotype and sometimes the whole class doesn't even realize that they're being stereotype in their own ways.
Of course, i'm not judging anyone.
I mean, everyone's stereotype. It's just that we don't realize it sometimes.
So class was fun, the videos were interesting. I fear the whole throwing things at people to take turns. It was interesting still 8D

Enjoying the holidays, ya?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Topic 3 :: Media Stereotypes

Well well well, hello again.
For today we will be going into the third topic for the week which i suppose deals with stereotypes.
So i'm feeling blocked today for apparently no reason but at the same am feeling quite content but assignment calls for finishing so let's work on the topic for this week now, shall we?

Let's see...

Give a very short basic explanation of what media stereotype is? (Keep it short please!) From your personal experience, what other media stereotype (besides the example from the article) you have seen either on TV or in the movies?

Before that, there was a link before the question which had information discussing about the Arab representation in US cartoon.

To start, a basic explanation of what media stereotype is:
Stereotype can be explained as something that is fixed based on an impression a certain society exhibits. Mostly it is the way other people exaggerate and express their perceptions towards a community or a particular social group depending on their race, colour, religion, background, etc.
In this case, Media stereotype is how the media perceives the society. Being told back their background story in a stereotype point of view which lacks the information on their real background and telling the viewers or the users of media, their perception of the society stereotypically.
In a way, this could be very misleading depending on how society interprets the media.

In my experience,
From what i've seen, especially in the Malaysian media industry, i quite don't understand why a majority of the local cartoons are always based on the 'kampung' theme. I mean, it is possible to make it in a modern setting but i have yet to see one that is not stereotypically 'kampung'. I don't have anything against 'kampung'-themed media, it's just that it's overly used and some parts of society seem to have some difficulties trying to accept changes or something that is not based on that certain theme. I suppose they did it to show the identity of the country or to relate with the audience in a much clear and better way but they could have found a much more better way to relate it with the current progression of time in this country.

It's stereotype because whenever some people speak of Malaysian cartoons, it will always be something related to the 'kampung'-theme. It's not bad, really. But it's easily seen.

Somehow you could also say that in the media, there's always this stereotype on the living class between the rich and the poor, like for example there's always those high-class rich ladies showing off their jewelries and such, with their children who are businessmen who are top-notch in their own rich world. While the poor are the people who strive on selling nasi lemak on the side of the road. Why is that even there?
The discrimination of stereotype between something that should not be discriminated is shown in television shows and movies where people drive big cars and live in big houses in contrast to the lower class such as maids, young children, people who are not from the urban areas.
Don't you think so?
The way they speak also reflects on how shallow their knowledge on a society is because it is focused on the slang and accent of the society rather than the ability of the society being able to speak and communicate in a smart kind of way. It's like a one-way communication being portrayed where one person is smarter than the other rather than both parties being smart.
It's very stereotype.

As for class,
There's no class for this week since it's a public holiday so no reflections on the class.
Well, i did some reading on media so i guess that's sufficient enough for something not related to class.
Somehow i miss going to class even though it's only one day.
And am pretty tired for this week.
Let's hope that next week's class is good, ya?

Stereotype has pros and cons. And i'm a nerd.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Topic 2 :: Truth in the Internet

Well, another blog assignment for the week.
I somehow enjoy doing this in a way. Maybe because of the fact that i enjoy blogging in general. Or maybe simply the urge to type irrelevant and relevant things.

So, for this week, we are to discuss on this topic(i'll upload the comic strip soon):

Do you often take what is on the Internet as truth without thinking much about it? If yes, why? If no, why? Discuss this in your own words.

Let's take a moment to ponder about the Internet for awhile.
I mean, let's face it. Without internet, us young adults(i have the urge to call teenagers) would prolly suffocate and die from technology desperation, of course, not literally.

There's pros and cons to the Internet as truth.
If i were to answer yes, the main reason to this would be, due to the Internet being absolutely worldwide and accessible from any parts of the world since it's being used by practically everyone, it's sort of impossible to say that the source or information given on a certain site would be illegitimate. There's a possible chance that the information taken from a certain site to be absolutely true depending on which site you're getting from and wether the article is genuine.
In another case, since people are more likely to surf on the internet rather than read newspapers sometimes or even books, there should be real information on the internet written by those who really do want the truth to be told.

If I were to say no, this would be because the internet is a wide place filled with many types of people. Even in the real world society, people still lie and spread rumors or even speak of irrelevant information so i suppose if it exists in the real world, it should exist in the internet world too. You can't believe the things in the internet due to the fact that it's done in digital and individuals can just put up altered images and videos then claim that it is the truth. It's easily done, as easy as lying to someone about something trivial. At the same time, the information on the internet might just as well scam you with oh-so-many hazardous things and information so you just gotta be cautious when it comes to the internet.
Seriously, come on, people can even go all "I'm an 18 year old girl who likes apple pie and chocolate" but in pure truth, said person is actually a 79 year old guy who enjoys stuffing pizza into his mouth while reading porn. Or easier said, the comic strip says it all(not entirely all, in a way). You see? There's a possibility there.
If the real world is filled with lies and scams and such, then i don't see how it is not possible in the internet world too.

In conclusion to that,
I'd say that there's pros and cons. To the internet. Again.
The best thing here is to just analyze what you're reading and find out where it's from.
I would agree with saying no because usually you'd think first before you believe something or taking it seriously. So i would pick no. Because i am not easily fooled(but am still easily fooled sometimes, i admit lol).

As for class this week,
Honestly, i wasn't in class. Because i overslept and woke up at exactly 9am and it takes 30 minutes to get ready and another 30 minutes to drive myself to class.
I have the urge to punch myself in the face for missing class. Seriously.
So i can't exactly give out my personal reflection for the class this week, in which i dread, very very much.

Maybe Internet will help me overcome my oversleeping problems. Or maybe i just need sleep.