Saturday, February 28, 2009

Topic 1 :: Social Media

In regards to the video up above, the main thing here should be:
Discuss how this new phenomenon is affecting your life and the lives around you.

There's actually a lot of ways to describe how social media actually affects people's lives in general.

In a way, Social media is a form of technology that connects people to one another based on one big general idea.
This, in reference to the video, is shown by the famous ice cream factory and the ice cream maker, which is, the one big general idea that brings everyone together. In this way, they're affecting people's lives including the ones around me as they are affected by the perspective of something new - the idea; thus allowing everyone to share and connect what they know and are able to create from the idea into something big which grows into a community of idea-using individuals.
From this, people are able to know and communicate more with each other to brainstorm ideas and say what they need to say about each others perception and usage of the main idea. Because of this, people can slowly progress and become better from the communication and support from others around them. This is a good thing because it provides feedback for people who are starting small to learn about ways to keep them going and going. Of course, there's the cons of others resulting in slander among others which is not exactly a good way of communicating with one another.

In another case,
Social media affects me in a way that i am able to keep up with what's happening in other people's lives and world(in this case, via blogs, social networking sites, etc), taking it in a positive way to apply to my life so that i am moving at the same pace as them. Or maybe moving at a faster pace.
This term of social media is like a progressive chain that makes an individual learn, so as to say it's helping me in a progression sort of way from the things around me by using media to socialize with the people around me.
Because of social media, i am able to learn new things from people and connect with them in regards to voicing out my thoughts and various ideas which helps both parties, me and them, to understand each other better and maybe even branch out from one small idea to one giant idea.
It's like a branch of possibilities through social media.
As long as you're learning and taking the good out of it.

For this week of class, hmm...
well, we learned about media in social context. Which translates into how media affects us all. I guess it's more of learning the power of how people are easily affected by the media around us which is practically almost everything here. I still have yet to read on sociological theories and such but i guess i can put some thought in here.
Of course, while listening to the lecture, i ended up drawing doodles in my book, still paying attention to the class.
But then a realisation came to mind. Since media influence us all, would it be possible to influence a whole nation simply by media? What would happen if the people influencing the media came up to a point of insanity to evolve their maniac ideas inside people's brains, embedding them via media, would people still accept that and let it affect them slowly? What would happen if people fought the media? Because i remember a part of the lecture stating the 'Anomie' which is the loss of direction that a society feels when social control of individual behaviour becomes ineffective - might lead to suicide. If that were to happen, would people still rely on media?
So you could say that media has pros and cons here in relations to the social world.
But all in all, media is simply a tool. Which can be interpreted in so many ways.

And so, media results to a bigger socialisation point among peers.